Saturday, 27 February 2021

How to By-pass ADFS and Azure SSO


            Typically, when we implement AZURE AAD and ADFS, we would expert any federated URL’s would sign automatically. This is quite expected behavior’, if any corporate users are already signed on their computer not required sign on for all remaining resource. however, if you want to disallow some users from using Seamless SSO sign in on shared kiosks. The SSO should bypass for those users. Let see how to bypass.

Add the below URLs into Internet Explorer Restricted Zone, adding this URL for set of computers can be via GPO or GPO Preference for Shared Service Computers. and

Once the URLs are present in Restricted Zone.

Run the KLIST Purge command on KIOSK Computers to refresh any new token.

Now when user attempted to access any new federated URL’s the URL, s would ask you to submit credentials.

Note: Seamless SSO Sometime not working appropriately when IE with IN Private Mode, so check the URLs in IE with Normal mode.

***********************Happy Learning*************************