Friday, 27 November 2020

Create Group which correspond to Server Name

 # This script create Group which correspond to Server Name. 

# Import Active Directory Module.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Computer OU Container


# Locate the Group OU, in which script will create groups.


# The script will find computer object which is leass than specified in the customdate



$ColComputers=get-adComputer -SearchBase $ParentOU -Filter {(Whencreated -ge $customdate)}

foreach ($Computer in $ColComputers)


$ComputerCN = (Get-ADComputer $Computer).name

# Verify the OU path before group creation process

$check = [ADSI]::Exists("LDAP://$($GroupOU)") 

if ($check -eq $True)


# Check Group Already exist in Directory Service

$GroupExists = Get-ADGroup -Identity $ComputerCN

# If Group Already exist, redirect the output to log file.

$Outmsg="Group $($ComputerCN) alread exists! Group creation skipped!$log" 

$Outmsg | Out-file -append ".\Result_Log1.txt"




# IF Group not exist in AD, create new group which is correspond to computername

$create = New-ADGroup -Name $ComputerCN -GroupScope: "Global" -Path: "$GroupOU" -SamAccountName:"$ComputerCN" -Description "Local Administrator Group for $ComputerCN"  -Server:"NATEST-DC1" 

$Outmsg= "Group $($ComputerCN) created!$log" 

$Outmsg | Out-file -append ".\Result_Log1.txt"






    Write-Host "Target OU can't be found! Group creation skipped!" 



Thursday, 19 November 2020

Active Directory Replication Report

 # Get today's date for the report 

$today = Get-Date 


# Setup email parameters 

$subject = "Replication REPORT - " + $today 

$priority = "Normal" 

$smtpServer = "" 

$emailFrom = "" 

$emailTo = "" 

$log = "C:\temp\ReplicationSummary.txt"

repadmin /replsum * /bysrc /bydest /sort:delta > $log

#$ReplicationStatus = "Replication REPORT - " + $today 

$Result = Get-Content C:\temp\ReplicationSummary.txt -raw

# Send the report email 

Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -Subject $subject -Body $Result -SmtpServer $smtpServer -From $emailFrom -Priority $priority